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Soft Robotics, Interfacial Machine, Remote Sensing

Soft Robotics | 02 2018 

The concept of biometric perception interface originates in a search for an alternative to the optical reception of data representation - an overused technique employed by people to analyze and predict states and changes in the body. Diverting from the habit brought by the spectacular society of seeing and understanding, the biometric perception interface challenges the common practices of visual memory and quantified abstraction of biological phenomena. As an extended method to foreground perception of information beyond the visual paradigm, a set of biomorphic designs of soft robotic prosthetics is proposed here to define a new human-machine interface that converts biometric data into real-time haptic experience, a new strategy for remote sensing and human-human interaction for media arts composition.


Choker - Silicon, leather

Antenna - Air tube, electronic wires, pulse sensor

Memorizer - Air pump, valve, micro-controller



A single set of Biometric Perception Interface consists of three components: Memorizer, Choker, and Antenna. A memorizer, functioning as the central data apparatus and control unit, can have up to two chokers and two antennae connected onto it. Each Antenna links to a choker that is directly worn and attached to a user’s neck.

User Interactions

Two users simply connect to the same memorizer at the same time and sense each other’s pulse in real-time without delay. The data is synchronized and exchanged immediately in the memorizer, and both of the users can haptically experience each other’s pulse without actual skin-contact.


Mengyu Chen

Yin Yu

- a Course Project in Soft Robotics, teaching by Professor Yon Visell

Installation Diagram.png

Biometric Perception Interface - Installation Diagram


Biometric Perception Interface - System Diagram


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